24th January, 2024

Inner West Writers Group at Marrickville Library


What's on Description

Accessibility Services

  • Accessible for low visionThe accessible for low vision symbol indicates access for people who are blind or have low vision. It should be used for guided or tactile tours, nature trails or a scent garden with clear parks or museum/gallery exhibitions that may be touched.
  • Audio descriptionAudio description is a service that enhances the live theatre or film experience for people who are blind or have low vision. Through the use of a small radio receiver, audience members can listen to a description of the visual aspects of the performance during appropriate breaks in the dialogue.
  • BrailleThe Braille symbol indicates that printed material is available in Braille, including items such as exhibition labelling, publications and signage.
  • Closed captioningCaptioning is available. Captions are prepared from a script and displayed on screen, enabling the audience to read what is being said. Closed captioning can be activated or deactivated by the viewer.
  • Companion CardThe Companion Card is issued to people with a significant, permanent disability who can demonstrate that they are unable to access most community activities and venues without attendant care support, and entitles their companion to a complimentary ticket. Use this symbol to promote that your venue will accept Companion Card bookings.
  • Open captioningCaptioning is available. Captions are prepared from a script and displayed on screen, enabling the audience to read what is being said. Open captioning is always in view, and cannot be turned off by the viewer.
  • Hearing loopHearing loops, or assistive listening systems, are installed at many theatres and can be used to amplify or enhance sound quality and eliminate background noise for people who are hard of hearing.
  • Large printYou can offer large print materials to your patrons - including books, brochures, guides and programs, forms and signage. Large print materials should be 18 points or larger, have high contrast (i.e. black print on white or white print on black) and well-spaced.
  • Mobility accessibleUse the wheelchair access symbol when the venue is wheelchair accessible and has accessible bathrooms. A wheelchair-friendly venue should also have specific seating reserved for wheelchair users.
  • National Relay ServiceNational relay service is a government initiative that allows people who are deaf, hard of hearing and/or have a speech impairment to make and receive phone calls.
  • Sensory roomA sensory room is a space designed to help an individual with sensory issues learn to regulate their brain's negative reactions to external stimuli.
  • Service animalsService animals are working animals that have been trained to perform tasks that assist disabled people. Service animals may also be referred to as assistance animals, assist animals, or helper animals.
  • Sign language (Auslan)The sign language interpreting symbol should be used where Auslan - or another sign language - interpreting is available for patrons or audiences. This may be interpretation of performance, presentations or social interpreting for interval or 'after-parties'.
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